E-commerce Business Owners…

We help you turn your email list into a high-margin revenue machine that delivers month on month growth

If you run an online brand, chances are you’ve realized a few glaring problems when it comes to growing:

The Common Challenges:

  • As the barrier to entry decreases, the number of shops continues to increase, meaning it’s crucial for you to stand apart.

  • As storefronts increase, so to do advertisers meaning that even the best brands see an increase in their KPIs.

  • Anyone who’s run ads at any scale knows the risks associated with them. Guidelines limit communication and restrictions, lockouts, and bans at a moments notice can interfere with scaling and jeopardize stability.

  • Did we catch you off guard with this one?!

    Look, we get it. You may have had a bad experience before...

    The truth is, email doesn't rely on preexisting systems and databanks like ads do, but instead fully relies on your strategy, execution of it, and adjustments made throughout.

    That means personal experiences and results will differ AND that the burden of success rests directly on the team in the cockpit.

    That being said, what doesn’t change is the fact that, in the world of direct-to-consumer communication, nothing gives leverage for E-commerce brands like email does.

    We hope to have the chance to show this to you over a Free DTC Strategy Session.

  • More options means more consideration, more shopping, a more prudent customer, and less margin for error making personal connection and personal communication more important than ever.

  • Consumer Reports show that a consumer has to be exposed to your product an average of 7 times before purchasing meaning you have to continue paying for general retargeting ads indefinitely or find a better way…

  • In a market full of ads sent to masses of cold traffic, personal connection and communication is nearly impossible to deliver in spite of the desire consumers have for a personal experience.

Oh yeah…

and no one seems to know how to leverage emails…

So why bother with email in the world of modern marketing?

After all, isn’t email from the 1900s???

We get it… In a world of flashy lights and marketing hype these are fair questions to ask…

After all, if you’re reading this, chances are you’re the one responsible for the most foundational part of your brand’s success — driving sales — and that’s no light responsibility…

So whether you’ve tried everything under the sun, or you’re just starting out… we’re glad you asked…

It’s a Foundational Approach:

Truth be told, if you’re looking for a quick run-up or a rapid fire scaling strategy, email probably isn’t for you…

But if you’re looking to build a brand that will stand the test of time and be around for years to come, you’re in the right place.

See, if you run an online brand, chances are you’ve realized a few glaring problems when it comes to growing:

  • Ad Costs are Rising

  • Retention is dying

  • Competition is ever-more abundant

  • Consumers are more discerning

So the question becomes…

What does email have to do this?

Simply put, Everything…

See, we’ll be the last to tell you to not bother with ads…

In fact, they’re a crucial part to any thriving brands DTC strategy.

But we’re also living in an era of personalized commerce.

Consumer Reports show us that the average customer requires 7 exposures to your brand before they will buy…

And while cold attention is important , if you ask any big brand how to truly scale they’ll tell you that attention alone won’t cut it.


You have to find a way to retain that attention over the long-run. Email solves this.

You have to figure out how to turn window shoppers and one-time buyers into lifelong customers. Email solves this.

And in a marketplace that continues to become more crowded, it’s the brands that understand how to do this best that will continue to thrive.

The brands that establish rapport, create connection, build relationships, and connect personally with their community…

Email solves this.

Oh… and what about the 7 times you need to connect with a customer? Email solves this too…

See, there’s nothing flashy about email…

Yes… it’s even from the 20th century…

but it’s also the strongest foundation for direct-to-consumer communication and connection.

It gives you a direct line of access to communicate in a personalized manner, build relationships, and turn one-time buyers into lifetime customers.

Which means… while other brands are busy chasing ignoring their original believers for new customers,

You’ll be turning existing customers into lifetime supporters who grow your brand for you.

Welcome to your new ascension plan.

The Solution & Logic of Email…

Let’s face it… in objective metrics, Email is the #1 way to connect directly with your customer.

It’s the gateway to unparalleled retention, customer communication, scaling acceleration, and brand ascension.


Just consider:

How many of your ideal customers use email? 85%, 90%, 99%?!

Email has over 4 billion active users — 3.9 billion of whom check their email daily…

That means that, chances are, most of your target audience uses email themself, and with nothing but their email address, you gain access to connecting with qualified customers at minimal cost AND as many times as you’d like.

In fact, the average ROI on each dollar spent with email… is 36x! That means for every $1 you spend, you get $36 out!

That’s what’s on the table here…

And that’s why email is the highest leverage DTC vessel on the market currently.

3 Phases. 30 days. 1 Launch.

The Ampl Ascension Framework:

The step by step to turn your email list into a high-margin revenue machine.

Phase 1: Day 1-10


Market Research

Deep Dives Into Brand and Systems

Email Screening

60 Day Roadmap to Success

Phase 2: Day 11-28


Complete System Buildout

Soft Launch and List Cleaning

Initial Calendar Construction

Software Migration (if necessary)

Phase 3: Day 29+


Split Testing Commences

Refinery Initiates

Optimize by Assessment

Repeat the Cycle of Cyclical Compounding

Email Ascension: What you get

Your personal breakdown of what’s included when we partner…

  • White Glove Email and SMS System Management

  • 3-5 Customized Email Campaigns Per Week (minimum)

  • Customized Content Calendar for Email Campaigns

  • Automated Drip Flow Construction

  • Pop-up form creation, Optimization, and Management

  • Weekly / Biweekly Update Calls

  • Continual Testing, Optimization, and Split Tests

  • Unlimited E-Commerce Marketing and Brand Consulting

  • Bonus Special Holiday Campaigns

  • And more…

You’ve made it here. Now one question remains…

Are You Ready to Ascend?